You donate, we smash!
想必能完成一件不可能的任務是非常鼓舞人心的,這個年經人又相繼成立了, SmashMyPS3.com網站,希望大家能贊助他買Xbox和PS3來砸爛給大家看。非常順利的,SmashMyXbox.com己經募集到足夠的資金,而且也在走出店家後,在停車場砸爛給大家看了。現在就等著PS3上市,又能完成另一個偉大的夢想。
如果你也想幫助年輕人完成夢想,可以連線到下列的網站,捐出你辛苦賺的錢,讓他痛快的砸給你看。 // You donate, we smash!: "The Plan
After we collect $400 in donations, we will take that money to a local Apple Store. We will purchase the iPod, open it right inside the store, and destroy it right on the spot. The whole thing will be shot on film, and displayed on this site. This is only a social experiment, for the entertainment of the donors, and visitors of this site. For more info, read the faq."